Books: authored, edited, co-edited

Amy Russell and Hans Beck (eds): The Roman Republic and Political Culture. German Scholarship in Translation. Cambridge University Press (Series Classical Scholarship in Translation), Cambridge 2025. 422 p. [ISBN 9781009515108]

Hans Beck and Griet Vankeerberghen (eds): Place and Performance in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2024. 471 p. [ISBN 9781009390026]

Sheila Ager and Hans Beck (eds): Localism in Hellenistic Greece. University of Toronto Press (Phoenix Supplements 61), Toronto 2024. [ISBN 978-1-487-548315]

Hans Beck and Julia Kindt (eds): The Local Horizon of Ancient Greek Religion. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2023. 398 p. [ISBN 978-1-009-30184-8]

Hans Beck, Julián Gallego, Carlos García Mac Gaw, and Francisco Pina Polo (eds): Encuentros con las élites del mundo antiguo. Liderazgo, estilos de vida, legitimidad. Estudios del Mediterráneo Antiguo, PEFSCEA Nº 21. Miño y Dávila editores, Buenos Aires 2021. 342 p. [ISBN 978-84-18095-90-0]

Hans Beck and Griet Vankeerberghen (eds): Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021. 453 p. [ISBN 9781108485777]

Hans Beck, Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2020. XIV + 268 p. [ISBN 978-0226711348 (cloth) and 978-0226711485 (paper)]

Hans Beck, Kostas Buraselis, and Alex McAuley (eds): Ethnos and Koinon. Studies in Ancient Greek Ethnicity and Federalism. Franz Steiner Verlag (HABES 61), Stuttgart 2019. [ISBN 978-3-515-12217-7]

Karl-J. Hölkeskamp and Hans Beck (eds): Verlierer und Aussteiger in der Konkurrenz unter Anwesenden. Agonalität in der politischen Kultur des antiken Rom. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2019. [ISBN 978-3-515-12179-8]

Hans Beck, Philip J. Smith (eds): Megarian Moments. The Local World of an Ancient Greek City-State. Teiresias Supplements Online, Volume 1. 2018. [ISBN 978-1-77096-223-1] Digital Object Identifier:

Hans Beck, Benedikt Eckhardt, Christoph Michels, and Sonja Richter (eds): Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor. Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag. Harrossowitz Verlag (Philippika 116), Wiesbaden 2017. [ISBN 978-3447-10907-9]

Hans Beck, Martin Jehne, and John Serrati (eds): Money and Power in the Roman Republic. Peeters (Collection Latomus Volume 355), Brussels 2016. [ISBN 978-90-429-3302-6]

Hans Beck, Peter Funke (eds): Federalism in Greek Antiquity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015. [ISBN 978-0-5211-9226-2] 

Hans Beck (ed): A Companion to Ancient Greek Government. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World), Malden, Mass. 2013. 590 p. [ISBN 978-1-4051-9859-5] e-book edition 2013.

Hans Beck, Antonio Dupla, Martin Jehne and Francisco Pina Polo (eds): Consuls and Res Publica. Holding High Office in the Roman Republic. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011. 310 p. [ISBN: 978-1-107-00154-1] e-book edition 2011. Paperback 2015. 

John Buckler, Hans Beck: Central Greece and the Politics of Power in the Fourth Century BC. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008. 309 p. [ISBN 978-0-521-83705-7] e-book edition 2009.

Hans Beck, Hans-Ulrich Wiemer (eds): Feiern und Erinnern. Geschichtsbilder im Spiegel antiker Feste. Verlag Antike (Studien zur Alten Geschichte Band 12), Berlin 2009. 240 p. [ISBN 978-3-938032-34-3] 

Hans Beck, Peter Scholz, Uwe Walter (eds): Die Macht der Wenigen. Aristokratische Herrschaftspraxis, Kommunikation und edler Lebensstil in Antike und Früher Neuzeit. Oldenbourg Verlag (HZ Beihefte 47), Munich 2008. 411 p. [ISBN 978-3-486-58726-5]

Hans Beck: Karriere und Hierarchie. Die römische Aristokratie und die Anfänge des cursus honorum in der mittleren Republik. Akademie Verlag (Klio Beihefte Band 10), Berlin 2005. 452 p. [ISBN 3-05-004154-4] e-book edition 2008.

Hans Beck, Uwe Walter: Die Frühen Römischen Historiker II. Von Coelius Antipater bis Pomponius Atticus. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (Texte zur Forschung 77), Darmstadt 2004. 384 p. [ISBN 3-534-14758-8]

Hans Beck, Uwe Walter: Die Frühen Römischen Historiker I. Von Fabius Pictor bis Cn. Gellius. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (Texte zur Forschung 76), Darmstadt 2001. 384 p. [ISBN 3-534-19048-3] e-book edition 2003. 2nd, revised edition 2005.

Hans Beck: Polis und Koinon. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Struktur der griechischen Bundesstaaten im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Franz Steiner Verlag (Historia-Einzelschrift 114), Stuttgart 1997. 316 p. [ISBN 3-515-07117-2]

Selected articles and book chapters 

2025. “Along the Mystery Highway. Thebes and Eleusis in the Archaic Age.” In: Hans Beck and Sebastian Scharff (eds): Beyond Mysteries: the Local World of Ancient Eleusis. Leiden: 43-75.

2025. “Aristocratic Roles and the Crisis of the Roman Republic.” In: Amy Russell and Hans Beck (eds), The Roman Republic and Political Culture. German Scholarship in Translation. Cambridge: 328-349.

2024. “King and Koinon. Ptolemaic Interactions with Greek Federalism.” In: Christoph Michels with Hans Beck and Achim Lichtenberger (eds), The Same, but Different. Monarchical Rule and Representation in the Hellenistic World. Stuttgart: 319-348.

2024. “Images of centrality. Phlious and its coinage in the Classical Period.” In: S. Damigos et al. (eds), Memory and Impression. Proceedings of an International Colloquium organized at Tegea. Athens: 71-86.

2024. “Living on a rock. The cities of ancient Phokis and the importance of place.” In: K. Sporn, A. Farnoux and E. Laufer (eds), Ancient Phokis. New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography. Wiesbaden: 11-21.

2024. “Noch einmal zu Decolonizing Classics.” In: M. Köster and H. Thünemann (eds), Geschichtskulturelle Transformationen. Kontroversen, Akteure, Zeitpraktiken. Cologne: 113-132.

2024. Hans Beck and Sophia Nomicos. “Sakrale Bergwelten in Mittelgriechenland und auf der Peloponnes.” Antike Welt 19/2024.

2024. “Introduction: Localism in Hellenistic Greece.” In: Sheila Ager and Hans Beck (eds): Localism in Hellenistic Greece. Toronto.

2023. “Global Spoils on a Local Stage.” In: Marian Helm and Saskia T. Roselaar (eds): Spoils in the Roman Republic. Boon and Bane. Stuttgart: 31-34.

2023. “Making Landscapes, Building Communities. A Journey along the Kopais Corridor in Boiotia.” Klio 105: 51-84.

2023. “Refitting the Local Horizon of Ancient Greek Religion (Including Some Remarks on the Sanctuary of Poseidon on Kalaureia).” In: Hans Beck and Julia Kindt (eds): The Local Horizon of Ancient Greek Religion. Cambridge: 28-66.

2022. “Republican Elites: Patricians, Nobiles, Senators and Equestrians.” In: Valentina and Jonathan Prag (eds): A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic. Malden, Mass: 347-361.

2021. “Registers of the People in Greece, Rome, and China.“ In: Hans Beck and Griet Vankeerberghen (eds): Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China. Cambridge: 193-224.

2021. “Localismo y conectividad. ¿Cuán locales fueron las élites de la Grecia clásica?” In: Hans Beck, Julián Gallego, Carlos García Mac Gaw, and Francisco Pina Polo (eds): Encuentros con las élites del mundo antiguo. Liderazgo, estilos de vida, legitimidad. Estudios del Mediterráneo Antiguo, PEFSCEA Nº 21. Buenos Aires 2021: 51-62.

2020. “From Regional Rivalry to Federalism: Revisiting the Battle of Koroneia (447 BCE).” In: Fabienne Marchand and Hans Beck (eds): The Dancing Floor of War. Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Central Greece. Ancient History Bulletin Supplements 1: 46-62.

2019. “The Aiolians - a phantom ethnos?” In: Hans Beck, Kostas Buraselis, and Alex McAuley (eds): Ethnos and Koinon. Studies in Ancient Greek Ethnicity and Federalism. Stuttgart: 385-404.

2019. “Pecuniam inlargibo tibi. Wahlbestechung und Wahlniederlage in der mittleren römischen Republik.” In: Karl-J. Hölkeskamp and Hans Beck (eds): Verlierer und Aussteiger in der Konkurrenz unter Anwesenden. Agonalität in der politischen Kultur des antiken Rom. Stuttgart: 31-53.

2018. "Of Fragments and Feelings. Roman Funeral Oratory Revisited." In: Christa Grey et al. (eds), Reading Republican Oratory. Reconstructions, Contexts, Receptions. Oxford: 263-280. 

2017. "The Discovery of Numa's Writings. Roman Sacral Law and the Early Historians." In: Kaj Sandberg and Christopher Smith (eds), Omnium Annalium Monumenta. Historical Writing and Historical Evidence in Republican Rome. Leiden and Boston: 90-112.

2017. "Dem Lokalen auf der Spur. Einige Vorbemerkungen zur Parochial Polis." In: Hans Beck, Benedikt Eckhardt, Christoph Michels, and Sonja Richter (eds), Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor. Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther. Wiesbaden: 35-54.

2016. "Between Demarcation and Integration. The Context of Foreign Policy in Classical Greece." In: Gunther Hellmann, Andreas Fahrmeir, and Milos Vec (eds), The Transformation of Foreign Policy. Drawing and Managing Boundaries from Antiquity to the Present. Oxford: 75-104. 

2016. "Preface." in: Albert Schachter, Boiotia in Antiquity. Selected Papers. Cambridge: xiii-xiv. 

2016. "Wealth, Power, and Class Coherence. The ambitus Legislation of the 180s BC." In: H. Beck, M. Jehne, and J. Serrati (eds), Money and Power in the Roman Republic. Brussels: 131-152.

2016. "Noble Women in Rome and China, and In-Between: a Prologue." In: A. Coskun and A. McAuley (eds). Seleukid Royal Women. Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire. Stuttgart: 13-16. 

2015. Hans Beck and Angela Ganter. "Boiotia and the Boiotian League." In: H. Beck, P. Funke (eds), Federalism in Greek Antiquity, Cambridge: 132-157.

2015. "Greek Federal States." In: Oxford Bibliographies in Classics Online

2015. "Beyond 'Foreign Clienteles' and 'Foreign Clans'. Some remarks on the intermarriage between Roman and Italian elites." in: M. Jehne and F. Pina Polo (eds). Foreign clientelae in the Roman Empire. A Reconsideration. Stuttgart: 57-72. 

2014. "Ethnic Identity and Integration in Boiotia: the Evidence of the Inscriptions (6th and 5th century BCE)." In: N. Papazarkadas (ed). The Epigraphy and History of Boeotia. New Finds, New Prospects. Leiden: 19-44.

2013. "Polybius' Roman prokataskeue." In: B. Gibson, T. Harrison (eds). Polybius and his World. Essays in Memory of F.W. Walbank. Oxford: 125-142.

2011. "Consular power and the Roman constitution: the case of imperium revisited." In: Hans Beck, Antonio Dupla, Francisco Pina Polo, Martin Jehne (eds). Consuls and Res Publica. Holding High Office in Republican Rome. Cambridge: 77-96.

2011. "The Reasons for the (Second Punic) War." In: D. Hoyos (ed). A Companion to the Punic Wars. Oxford: 225-241.

2009. "Die Macht des Anfangs. Die römische Frühzeit im Selbstverständnis der Nobilität." In: Konflikt. Mythos. Imperium. 2000 Jahre Varus-Schlacht. Stuttgart: 22-29.

2009. "From Poplicola to Augustus. Senatorial Houses in Roman Political Culture." In: Phoenix 63: 361-384 + figures.

2009. Hans Beck and Michael Fronda. "The Cartoceto Bronzes. From Enigma to Orthodoxy." In: The Ancient World 40: 15-41.

2009. "Ephebie – Ritual – Geschichte. Polisfest und historische Erinnerung im klassischen Griechenland," In: Hans Beck, Hans-Ulrich Wiemer (eds). Feiern und Erinnern. Geschichtsbilder im Spiegel antiker Feste. Berlin: 55-82.

2009. "Structures." In: A. Erskine (ed). A Companion to Ancient History. Oxford: 499-509.

2008. "Die Rollen des Adligen. Prominenz und aristokratische Herrschaft in der römischen Republik." In: Hans Beck, Peter Scholz and Uwe Walter (eds). Die Macht der Wenigen. Aristokratische Herrschaftspraxis, Kommunikation und edler Lebensstil in Antike und Früher Neuzeit. Munich: 101-123.

2007. "The Early Roman Tradition." In: J. Marincola (ed). A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography. Oxford: I, 259-266.

2006. "Traumatische Erinnerung: Cannae." In: E. Stein-Hölkeskamp and K.-J. Hölkeskamp (eds). Erinnerungsorte der Antike. Die römische Welt. Munich: 204-218.

2005. "Züge in die Ewigkeit. Prozessionen durch das republikanische Rom." In: GFA 8: 73-104. 

2003. "Den Ruhm nicht teilen wollen. Fabius Pictor und die Anfänge des römischen Nobilitätsdiskurses." In: U. Eigler et alii (eds). Formen römischer Geschichtsschreibung von den Anfängen bis Livius. Gattungen, Autoren, Kontexte. Darmstadt: 73-92. 

2003. "Freiheit und Herrschaft in der athenischen Demokratie. Aristoteles, Niklas Luhmann und die archai der Polis." In: D. Brodka et alii (eds). Freedom and its Limits in the Ancient World. Cracov: 37-53.

2003. "New Approaches to Federalism in Ancient Greece. Perceptions and Perspectives." In: K. Buraselis (ed). The Idea of European Community in History. Athens, II: 177-190.

2003. "Parallele Karrieren – Parallele Leben? Plutarchs Fabius Maximus und Marcellus." In: A. Barzanò et alii (eds). Modelli eroici all’antichità alla cultura europea. Rome: 239-263.

2002. "Interne synkrisis bei Plutarch." In: Hermes 130: 467-489.

2001. "'The Laws of the Fathers' versus 'the Laws of the League': Xenophon on Federalism." In: CPh 96: 355-375.

2000. "Q. Fabius Maximus – Musterkarriere ohne Zögern." In: K.-J. Hölkeskamp and E. Stein- Hölkeskamp (eds). Von Romulus zu Augustus. Große Gestalten der römischen Republik. Munich: 79-91. 

2000. "Thebes, the Boiotian League, and the Rise of Federalism in Fourth Century Greece." In: P. Bernardini (ed). Presenza e funzione della città di Tebe nella cultura greca. Rome: 331-344. 

1999. "Ostlokris und die 'Tausend Opuntier'. Neue Überlegungen zum Siedlergesetz für Naupaktos." In: ZPE 124: 53-62. 

Other formats 

I have written some 40 reviews for Phoenix, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Klio, Gnonom, Gymnasium, Historische Zeitschrift, Canadian Journal of History, Ordia Prima, Scripta Classica Israelica.  

Brill's New Jacoby (BNJ, for which I have served as co-editor for several years), entries: #229 Pyrrhos of Epeiros; #231 Aratos of Sicyon (with Arthur Eckstein); #232 P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus; #233 P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica; #811 P. Cornelius Scipio; # 814 Cn. Aufidius; #815 P. Rutilius Rufus; #816 Antigonos; #817 Promathion; #820 Diokles of Peparethos; #839 Ineditum Vaticanum.

Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History (EAH, for which I served on the Advisory Board), Oxford 2012, entries: L. Cincius Alimentus; M. Claudius Marcellus; L. Coelius Antipater; cursus honorum; Q. Fabius Pictor; C. Fannius; Leuktra, Battle of; P. Mucius Scaevola [Annales Maximi]; nobiles/nobilitas; Pompeius Trogus; Praetor.

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, Oxford 2010, entry: Scipio Africanus.

Also, I contributed over 80 entries in Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike = Brill's New Pauly. Encyclopedia of the Ancient World, volumes 4 to 12 (1998-2002), on topics in Greek history, prosopography and geography, including: International Treaties, Greece; Iphicrates; Keryx; Koine Eirene; Pelopidas; Thessali/Thessalia.