News Archive: 2022 to 2024
Book Keeping
December 31, 2024: My appointment as Adjunct Professor in the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University in Montreal has ended.
December 31, 2024: Teiresias 2024.3.2 is out, please go here to access files. The editors are saddened to inform readers about the passing of Albert Schachter and John Fossey. The new issue contains obituaries for both scholars.
December 4, 2024: Review of Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver, Marginalised Populations in the Ancient Greek World. The Bioarchaeology of the Other. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 2022. In: HZ 319 (2024): 659-661.
Guest Lecture in Essen-Duisburg
November 27, 2024: Guest lecture in the Forschungskolloquium at the University of Essen-Duisburg: “Lokale Lebenswelten Lakoniens: Neues zu den Periöken Spartas”. Cordial thanks to my host Wolfgang Blösel!
DGG Griechenlandseminar
November 16, 2024: The 29th Griechenlandseminar of the Deutsch-Griechische Gesellschaft Münster is on at the Agora Hotel. Topic this year is “Sparta und Lakonien. Ein kulturgeschichtlicher Streifzug durch die Epochen”. A lovely opportunity to showcase “Belonging in/to Lakonia” and its partnership with the Amykles Research Project (dir. Stavros Vlizos).
Thanks to Emilia Bachmann, Daniel Hagen, Athanasios Walther for on-site support and to Eylihan Ayhan for excellent planning and organisation!
New Hermes
November 7, 2024: Hermes 152/4 is out, go here for Table of Contents.
New Publication
November 1, 2024: Beck, H. 2024. “Images of centrality. Phlious and its coinage in the Classical Period.” In: S. Damigos et al. (eds), Memory and Impression. Proceedings of an International Colloquium organized at Tegea. Athens: 71-86.
New Publication
October 31, 2024: Beck, H. 2024. “King and Koinon. Ptolemaic Interactions with Greek Federalism.” In: Christoph Michels with Hans Beck and Achim Lichtenberger (eds), The Same, but Different. Monarchical Rule and Representation in the Hellenistic World. Stuttgart: 319-348.
The volume emanates from a conference held in Münster, see below under “March 8 to 11, 2022”. Thanks to Christoph Michels who has been the driving force behind this project!
Conference in Brasil
October 29 to November 1, 2024: First International Local and Global Seminar in São Paolo, hosted by the Laboratory for Roman Provincial Archaeology (LARP) and the Laboratory of Studies on the Ancient City (Labeca) from the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo. Here is the program and abstracts.
Looking forward to catching up with Vagner Carvalheiro Porto and Juliana Figueira da Hora - and to lively discussions about “What is Local in the Ancient Mediterranean?” Click here for remote participation.
Series Launch Event
October 22, 2024: “Antiquity in Global Context (AGC)” Series Launch at the University of Münster: Studiobühne, Domplatz 23, 6:00 pm.
Published by Cambridge University Press and edited by Hans Beck, Tamar Hodos, and Carlos Noreña, the new series promotes new narratives of the ancient world that complement the traditional picture of Greece and Rome. AGC publishes research defined by innovative contextual approaches, both comparative and connective. This conception provides a broad and dynamic platform for new understandings of our global age, grounded in the history of the deep past. It fosters scholarly dialogues relevant not only to the intellectual opportunities but also to the political and ethical challenges generated by the forces of globalization. Read more on the CUP series website.
First AGC volume is “Place and Performance in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China,” edited by Hans Beck and Griet Vankeerberghen.
AGC launch event takes place in conjunction with academic celebrations in honor of Miguel John Versluys who has been awarded the Humboldt Research Prize, to be held at the University of Münster 2024 to 2026. Click here for press release.
Talk in Greece
September 24, 2024: Talk on The Materiality of Oaths in the Athens Greek Religion Seminar series at the Swedish Institute in Athens - looking forward to it! For registration info, in person and online, click here.
New TSO Volume
August 26, 2024: Sebastian Scharff’s edited volume on “Beyond the Big Four. Local Games in Ancient Greek Athletic Culture“ has published as Teiresias Supplements Volume 4!
Field Research and Student Trip
July 22 to August 20, 2024: Field work at the settlement site of Amyklai and Grand Study Tour with students from Münster University - quite a bit of work, but lots of fun! Study tour ran for two weeks with 20 students, covering Athens, Corinth, Teichos Dymaion, Elis, Olympia, Pylos, Nichoria, Messene, Sparta, Gytheion, Megalopolis, Tegea, Nafplion, Argos, Mykene, Tiryns, Nemea, and Hermione. The “Olive Grove Circuit”! Students delivered fantastic papers on sites and themes, great basis for learning experience in the field and lots of research insight. Here are some impressions:
Quick Research Trip
July 25, 2024: Finally managed to visit the Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket in Copenhagen - this has been on my list for too long!
New Publication
June 18, 2024: Beck, H. 2024. “Living on a rock. The cities of ancient Phokis and the importance of place.” In: K. Sporn, A. Farnoux and E. Laufer (eds), Ancient Phokis. New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography. Wiesbaden: 11-21.
EMCC Summer School
June 3 to 7, 2024: The 7th EMCC Summer School is on at the University of Palermo. The vibrant program includes student presentations, museum and site visits, and an EMCC Dialogues session dedicated to Emilio Rosamilia’s latest book on the city of Cyrene. Excited to meet up with EMCC colleagues and students in the wonderful city of Palermo and also to deliver public keynote lecture at the event on “Traversing the Chora of the Greek City: Three Itineraries.”
New Hermes
June 1, 2024: The new Hermes is out, issue 152/2 in 2024. Go here for table of contents.
May 30, 2024: Annual Report of the Australian Archaeological Institute in Athens, event hosted in the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene. Report is delivered by the new director of the institute, Tamar Hodos (Athens and University of Sydney). The academic lecture is given by Susan Lupack on the Perachora Peninsula Archaeological Project. Happy to attend!
Diversity Dialogues
May 27, 2024: Diversity Dialogues in Classical Studies, hosted by UM Ancient History and Classical Archaeology. This year’s session features Dr. Chiara Thumiger (Kiel and Berlin), who is interviewed by student moderators Lukas Duisen and Ann-Kathrin Hönerloh. All welcome!
Archaeology Fair
May 4, 2024: Tag der Münsteraner Archäologien - everyone cordially invited to come out and see what U Münster has to offer!
Talk in Spain
April 25, 2024: Guest lecture at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela on “Polis and Chora as Locations of Ancient Greek Religion”.
Thank you to my host Pedro Lopez Barja de Quiroga for extremely stumulating discussions, his generous hospitality, and for taking the time to do a fieldtrip with me to Lucus Augusti, terrific excavations and site!
New Publication
April 16, 2024: “Noch einmal zu Decolonizing Classics.” In M. Köster and H. Thünemann (eds), Geschichtskulturelle Transformationen. Kontroversen, Akteure, Zeitpraktiken. Cologne: 113-132.
New Publication
April 9, 2024: Co-authored article with Sophia Nomicos on “Sakrale Bergwelten in Mittelgriechenland und auf der Peloponnes” in Antike Welt 19/2024.
Field Research in Greece
March 30 to April 6, 2024: Visit to Eastern Lakonia and Sparta to prepare the upcoming summer campaign at the Amyklaion: survey of the settlement area. The work is carried out as part of Münster’s Cluster of Excellence ‘Religion and Politics’, subproject B3-48 ‘Belonging in/to Lakonia’ (co-directed with Sophia Nomicos), under the aegis of the Amykles Research Project (director Stavros Vlizos).
In addition to field work, the trip also offered the unique opportunity to examine the famous ‘Donations to the Rebuilding of Thebes Inscription’ on display in the special exhibit “Chaironeia 338 BCE” in the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens. Plus, super happy to attend the Annual Meeting of the Swedish Institute at Athens held in the Akropolis Museum!
EMCC Events in Cyprus
March 25 to 29, 2024: EMCC Dialogues session at the University of Cyprus - looking forward to discuss Daniela Bonanno’s new book on Nemesis with her and round-table participants Antonis Tsakmakis and Theodoros Mavrogiannis.
Thanks to Antonis Tsakmakis for organizing the event, and also for his kind invitation to speak in the University’s Research Seminar Series.
Conference in Spain
March 14 to 15, 2024: Cursus honorum. Hierarchy, Prestige and Auctoritas in the Roman Republic, organized by Francho Pina Polo and held at the Museo Pablo Gargallo in Zaragoza. Here is the event program.
Looking forward to returning to old climes, academically and in real life. Note that event is scheduled in idibus Martiis - stay tuned for more!
New Hermes
February 23, 2024: The new Hermes is out, issue 152/1 in 2024. Go here for table of contents.
New Blog Entry
February 3, 2024: Check out the latest blog entry on localism in the Hellenistic Age, published by the University of Toronto Press.
February 2, 2024: Happy to return to Cambridge after quite some time for the ancient history professorship search.
Talk in Bielefeld
January 23, 2024: Guest lecture at the University of Bielefeld on “Polis und Chora” - looking forward to seeing Uwe Walter, Raimund Schulz, Ann-Cathrin Harders, and their team!
SCS Chicago
January 4 to 7, 2024: It’s the time of the year… Looking forward to the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies, held in the Hilton Chicago. Here is the event page with access to the conference program. Happy to act as respondent to panel SCS-28: “Personal and Political in Rome and China: New Approaches to Sino-Roman Comparison” (Friday Jan. 5, 2:00 to 5:00pm).
New Book
January 3, 2024: Localism in Hellenistic Greece, edited by Sheila Ager and Hans Beck, has published as Phoenix Supplements Volume with the University of Toronto Press. So happy that this is out - go to News Archive, April 25 to 28, 2018 for the initial event at the Waterloo Institute of Hellenistic Studies.
Thanks to contributors for their patience and most of all for their stellar papers!
New Teiresias
December 28, 2023: Teiresias Journal Online 2023.2.2 is out, go here for happy browsing experience.
New Hermes
December 13, 2023: Hermes 151/4 (2023) is out - go here for TOC.
New Research Group
November 17, 2023: Official Launch Event of the DFG-funded Research Group Xenokratie vor Ort. Administration und kulturelle Verflechtung in der Vormoderne (FOR 5415). The collaborative research agenda includes a subproject on Macedonian and Roman foreign rule over the Greek mainland and Egypt, from the later 4th to the 1st centuries BCE (PIs: Hans Beck and Patrick Sänger). In the initial phase of the project, my own work focuses on the xenocratic dynamics of Antigonid and Ptolemaic rule in and over Greece. First funding cycle is 2023 through 2026.
Epichorios Research Day
October 23, 2023: ERD joins forces with the Athens Greek Religions Seminar-Series of the Swedish Institute in Athens to co-host a one-day workshop: “130 Years ‘Lakonische Kulte’. Current Trends and Future Perspectives on Religion in Lakonia”
Sam Wide’s Lakonische Kulte, published with Teubner in 1893, has been the go-to publication on religious conduct in the Eurotas Valley until the rise of the modern era in Lakonian Studies in the later 1970s. Recent studies in the swiftly developing fields of Greek religion and Spartan history and culture, together with ongoing site research in the Amyklaion and elsewhere in Lakonia, invite us to take stock with what’s happening - and where we’re going from here. Join us for an in-person workshop in the Swedish Institute in Athens to find out!
New Research Project
October 15, 2023: The Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics has accepted my application for a new archaeohistorical project in Lakonia, carried out collaboratively with Sophia Nomicos and under the aegis of the Amykles Research Project - wonderful news! Details to be found on the project website.
New Hermes
October 13, 2023: Hermes 151/3 (2023) is out - go here for TOC.
International Conference in Regensburg
October 12 and 13, 2023: International gathering in Regensburg, organized by Angela Ganter and Elena Franchi (Trento): “Verbündete in der Krise. Bündnisresilienz im antiken Griechenland. Alleati nella crisi. Coalizioni resilienti in Grecia antica”
Field Trip
October 4, 2023: Hike to the ‘Tomb of Thrasymedes’ in the Bay of Voidokilia. The tomb is in open sight from both the palace inland and Nestor’s Cave, with four bodies of water in its vicinity: the open sea, the bay of Pylos, the Divari lagoon, and Voidokilia.
Honorary Colloquium
September 15, 2023: One-day international symposium on the occasion of Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp’s 70th birthday, “Moribus antiquis res stat Romana (hominibusque!)”. The program is appended here.
New Blog Entry
September 5, 2023: New blog entry with the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research at the University of Münster: “Zu viel Wasser, zu wenig Wasser. Resilienzen im antiken Griechenland”
Field Research
August 16 to 27, 2023: Preparatory field research with Sophia Nomicos and Marian Helm to explore sites in Eastern Lakonia and Cape Maleas, including Elafonisos, Neapolis, Geronthrai, Epidauros Limera, Zarax, Prasiai, the opaque sanctuary sites of Apollo Maleatas (white chapel) and Apollo Tirytas (Marian before the brownish-grey chapel), and the Thyreatis microregion.
Research is in conversation with excavations in the Amyklaion conducted by the Amykles Research Project, with Sophia Nomicos and student participants Daniel Hagen, Emilia Bachmann, Ann-Kathrin Hönerloh, and Lukas Duisen.
New TJO Volume
June 30, 2023: The latest issue of Teiresias Journal Online has published, assembling an interesting slate of new research on Boiotia: 2023.2.1 - happy browsing!
Talk in Dresden
June 28, 2023: Guest Lecture at Technical University Dresden on the origins of Archaic Greek Law. Thanks to Christoph Lundgreen and his team for their warm hospitality!
Epichorios Research Day
June 22 to 23, 2023: Epichorios Research Day 4 takes places in Münster, “Riverscapes and Religious Conduct in Ancient Greece” (event co-organized with Roy van Wijk). The public keynote lecture is delivered by Emeri Farinetti (Roma Tre): Water Environments, Land Forms, and Archaeological Landscapes (June 22 @ 18:00, Studiobühne, Domplatz 23).
New Hermes
June 20, 2023: Hermes 151/2 (2023) is out - go here for TOC.
EMCC Meeting
June 15 to 16, 2923: EMCC coordinators meeting in Münster. The consortium is delighted to welcome the University of Lisbon as new member to the program!
International Workshop
June 12 to 13, 2023: Workshop organized in conjunction with the ERC Project “Mapping Ancient Polytheisms” (Corinne Bonnet) in Münster: “Mapping Gods and Artefacts: a Comparative Approach to Communities and Microregions”
Talks in Spain
June 6 to 10, 2023: Lectures and round-table discussions on local/global-expressions of Greek culture at the Universidad de Málaga and Universidad Pablo de Olavide Sevilla. Thank you to Cristina Rosillo Lopez, Manuel Álvarez Martí-Aguilar, and Francisco Pina Polo for making this a truly memorable trip. Thanks also to Doro Pesch - “True as Steel!”
New Publication
June 1, 2023: Hans Beck, “Making Landscapes, Building Communities. A Journey along the Kopais Corridor in Boiotia.” Klio 105 (2023): 1-34.
Diversity Week Event
May 25, 2023: Diversity Week Event hosted by our Department in collaboration with Classical Archaeology: “Diversity - Eine fruchtbare Kategorie im Studium der Alten Welt” (Archäologisches Museum, 20:00). All welcome to join the open-floor discussion. Image gallery: spot the old white males-photo :-)
Lecture in Berlin
May 17, 2023: Guest lecture in the Department of Ancient History at Freie Universität Berlin. Title is “Streifzüge durch den Kopais Korridor in Boiotien.”
Roundtable Discussion
May 8, 2005: International table ronde on Ancient History from Below: How - and Why?, with participants Cyril Courrier (Aix-Marseille), Andrew Lepke (Münster), Cristina Rosillo López (Seville), and Francisco Pina Polo (Zaragoza). Moderation: Hans Beck and Clément Bur.
16:00 to 19:00, University of Münster Weiterbildung, Königsstr. 49. Here is the program poster.
Epichorios Research Day
May 4 to 5, 2023: Epichorios Research Day 3 is on, organized by Marian Helm and Sophia Nomicos: Lakonia and the Argolid. New Approaches to an Interconnected Landscape. Everyone is invited to join the group of international experts from Sweden, Greece, Italy, the UK, and Germany.
EMCC Research in Perugia
April 26 to 29, 2023: Research and teaching trip to Perugia, under the aegis of the EMCC consortium.
The European Master in Classical Cultures is an internationally integrated, interdisciplinary programme in Classical Studies, supported by 13 partner universities from 9 European countries. Go here for details.
April 18, 2023: Professor Nathan T. Arrington (Princeton University) will present on “New Discoveries in Aegean Thrace: Archaeological Contributions to Regional Histories”
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
Roundtable Discussion
April 14, 2023: International Dialogue on Mediterranean Cultural Koine: The Movement of People, Goods, and Ideas, with participants Sylvie Honigman (Tel Aviv), Christoph Michels (Münster, Tübingen), Eve-Marie Becker (Münster), and Kathryn Stevens (Oxford). Response: Lutz Doering. Moderation: Hans Beck
14:00 to 18:00, in ETH 201. Here is the program poster.
New Publication
April 13, 2023: “The Local Horizon of Ancient Greek Religion” has published with CUP. Happy to see this project complete. It’s been a wonderful collaborative undertaking with Julia Kindt: started at McGill and put in action at the University of Sydney, finalized under the umbrella of Münster’s Cluster of Excellence ‘Religion and Politics’. Thanks to our contributors for stellar papers and the press for bringing the publication to fruition.
Here is the link to the final product: Cambridge UP, Amazon.
New Hermes
March 31, 2023: Hermes 151/1 (2023) is out - go here for TOC.
DAI Conference
March 29 to 31, 2023: The DAI TransAreaNetwork Mediterranean Archaeology holds its second workshop in Antalya, Turkey. Here is the program. The event includes field trips to Phaselis and the cave sanctuary of the god Eurymedon at Tymbriada in Pisidia (Eğridir-Aksu) - awesome! Thank you also to our hosts on site, the AKMED Research Center of Antalya.
Epichorios Summer Program
March 24, 2023: Epichorios Summer Program has been released, go here for details. In addition to talks on Aegean Thrace (Nathan Arrington), Despotiko (Christy Constantakopoulou), and the Mani (Chelsea Gardner), there will be an ERD on the Argolid and Lakonia, organized by Marian Helm and Sophia Nomicos (May 4 to 5).
Inaugural Lecture
March 7, 2023: ERC Grant “Federalism and Border Management in Greek Antiquity” (Director: Elena Franchi) hosts the inaugural event of its lecture and seminar series at the University of Trento. Happy to deliver the opening lecture on “Interstate Cooperation and Competition in Ancient Geece: the Case of Southern Boiotia”.
Here is the video from the lecture. Thank you, Elena Franchi and team, from your wonderful hospitality!
Ancient Greek Law - Local or Universal?
February 23 to 24, 2023: International symposium "Ancient Greek Law: Vectors of Local Idiosyncrasy and Unity," held at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity and Pluralism” in Münster. Happy to run the event together with Kaja Harter-Uibopuu from Hamburg University.
Assembling a diverse group of international experts in the fields of Ancient Greek History and the History of Law in Antiquity, the symposium seeks to explore new concepts and perspectives on ancient Greek law (Archaic to the Hellenistic Period). The recent upsurge of scholarship on local encodings of Greek culture, combined with an unyielding research interest in the interconnection of local agencies and their merging into a more universal frame of reference, makes our project a timely endeavor. Exciting new discoveries of legal texts further advance, and sometimes complicate, the understanding, which calls for a new assessment.
Talk at the ICS
February 9, 2023: Double-feature in the Institute of Classical Studies London series “EMPIRES, ANCIENT and MODERN: Co-optation, Coercion, Resistance, and Repercussions”. Session is held at 16:30 in Room G35, Senate House. Drinks to follow.
Hans Beck (Münster University), Collaboration with the Persian Empire: Why Not?
Alex McAuley (Cardiff University), Coercion, Collaboration, or Something Else Entirely: Rethinking the Greek Mainland and the Antigonids
Postscript: Thanks to the ICS for the generous invitation, to Irene Polinskaya for taking the lead and pulling everything together, and to Sam Gartland for a truly special gift surprise!
January 17, 2023: Professor John Papadopoulos (Los Angeles) will present on “The Ancient Methone Archaeological Project”
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
SCS New Orleans
January 5 to 8, 2023: The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies will be held at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. Running a panel, along with co-organizer Michelle Zerba, on “Ancient Mystery Cults: Vows of Silence, Practices of Secrecy” (Second Paper Session: Friday, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm).
New TJO Volume
December 24, 2022: The second instalment of Teiresias Journal Online (TJO) 2022/1 is out. This concludes the first volume of the new series, coming out of Münster University.
Go here for anything Boiotian, including bibliographies, excavation reports, and work-in-progress section. Happy browsing!
New Hermes
December 15, 2022: Hermes 150/4 has been released, which concludes the 150th anniversary volume - go here for the TOC.
December 6, 2023: Professor Emeri Farinetti (Roma Tre) will present on “The Western Megaris Regional Project”
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
New TSO Volume
December 1, 2022: Chandra Giroux’s edited volume “Plutarch: Cultural Practice in a Connected World” has been published as Teiresias Supplements Volume 3 - open access! The book emanates from a conference held in Münster, see News Archive under February 6 and 7, 2020.
Congratulations, Chandra!
EViR Fellow Lecture
November 17, 2022: My public lecture with the Käte Hamburger Kolleg is entitled “Rechtsvielfalt als Norm. Beobachtungen zur lokalen Kodierung griechischen Rechts in der Antike”. See term program - all welcome!
Watch lecture on YouTube here.
Epichorios Research Day in Münster and Athens
Epichorios Research Marathon
Münster leg
Epichorios Research Marathon
Athens leg
November 2 to 4, 2022: Epichorios holds its second international research day. The event takes place in hybrid format and will be broadcasted from the mothership in Münster (Nov 4) and the British School in Athens (Nov 2). Joining both sessions together, a public zoom lecture by Paul Erdkamp (Bruxelles) is scheduled for (Nov 3).
Debating Early Rome
October 28 to 29, 2022: Marian Helm’s international research network Debating Early Rome hosts its first in-person conference in Münster. Here is the stellar program!
Deutsch-Griechische Gesellschaft
October 15, 2022: Happy to host the annual seminar of the Deutsch-Griechische Gesellschaft Münster in the Ludgerihaus. Topic this year is “Hellenische Friedenskulturen” - go here for the program and register ahead of time with our front office, Eylihan Ayhan.
Btw, the topic was also inspired by the award of the Peace of Westphalia Prize to Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev in 2021.
October 1, 2022: Excited and feeling honored to start my term as fellow of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity and Pluralism” (until March 31, 2023). The fellowship will allow me to foster my research agenda on the local encoding of ancient Greek law. In addition to several lectures and seminar sessions on the topic, there will be an international workshop, co-organized with Kaja Harter-Uibopuu from Hamburg University, on February 23 and 24, 2023: “Ancient Greek Law: Vectors of Unity and Local Idiosyncrasy.” Stay tuned!
New Hermes
September 10, 2022: Hermes 150/3 has been released - go here for the TOC.
Student Field Trip to Greece
August 20 to September 4, 2022: Field trip to Greece, along with Sophia Nomicos and 20 students from Münster. Destinations include, beyond Athens, Thebes and the Kabirion, Gla, Delphi, Eleusis, Nemea, Phlious, Argos, Mycene, Tiryns, Nafplion, Asine, Epidauros, and more. The concluding journey by boat from Hermione to the Piraeus adds a nice Saronic touch to the endeavor - sweet!
New Humboldt Fellow
August 1, 2022: A warm welcome to Dr. Clément Bur (INU Champollion) who has arrived in Münster to join our team as Humboldt Fellow (duration: 12 months).
Talk in Hamburg
July 12, 2022: Guest lecture in Hamburg on the Kopais region. Looking forward to seeing Werner Rieß and his team.
Asia Minor Studien
July 6, 2022: Our department celebrates the launch of the 100th volume of the series Asia Minor Studien. Congratulations to Klaus Zimmermann and Engelbert Winter, directors of Asia Minor!
July 5, 2022: Professor Franziska Lang (Darmstadt) will present on “Olympia und sein Umland”
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
June 30, 2022
The new Teiresias Journal Online (TJO) has published its first issue, 1.2022. TJO continues the former Teiresias. Online Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies. Faithful to the pioneering spirit of its predecessor, TJO is free from subscription fees. It is published twice a year, in June and December. Issues can be downloaded from the TJO platform:
The mission of the journal is to inform readers about research on Boiotia in antiquity. To this end the core of TJO is its bibliography. Like the ‘old’ Teiresias, the new series also publishes archaeological reports, announcements of scholarly events and a Work in Progress section. Coupled with the book series Teiresias Supplements Online (TSO), TJO comes out of the Department of Ancient History at Münster University.
TJO editors are Hans Beck, Elena Franci, Angela Ganter, Fabienne Marchand, Roy van Wijk, and editorial assistant Marian Helm. They acknowledge and honor the scholarly achievement of Albert Schachter, doyen of Boiotian Studies and oikistes, or founding father, of the Teiresias enterprise.
New Hermes
June 30, 2022: Hermes 150/2 has been released - go here for the TOC.
June 29, 2022: The Faculty of History and Philosophy holds an information day on doctoral studies, organized by our Faculty Committee Scholarship and Young Researchers, here is the program. It includes a public outreach lecture by Angelika Epple (Bielefeld) on scholarship in times of war.
France: Conference and EMCC Summer School
June 20 to 26, 2022: The University Toulouse Jean Jaurés hosts this year’s EMCC Summer School. Download event schedule and go here for the EMCC website.
Preceding the event, the Naming the Gods ERC Research Network (Corinne Bonnet) hosts an international workshop “Nommer and répresenter les dieux,” a lovely opportunity to speak about the Kabirion near Thebes. Click here for the program.
New Podcast
June 20, 2022: Podcast series “Neues aus der Alten Welt” airs conversation with Jessica Schellig and Emre Yüzüncüoglu about teaching Classical Studies in times of the pandemic, Demeter’s mysteries, and heavy metal. Tune in here via Spotify.
Thanks to Jessica and Emre, this was fun!
Special Exhibit and New Publication
June 15, 2022: Opening night of the special exhibit “Das Pferd in der Antike. Von Troja bis Olympia” in the Horse Museum Westfalia. Thanks to Achim Lichtenberger and his team for making this collaborative project between WWU and the Münster Zoo happen. The corresponding catalogue is published by Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, go here. Glad to offer some brief reflections on “Das Pferd im Krieg” there.
Field Research
June 10, 2022: Visit to Agios Konstantinoi to examine the sacred law of Andania, which today frames the western entrance gate to the Church of Saint Constantine. Wish I would have found the Sanctuary of the Mysteries also!
Debating Early Rome
June 8, 2022: Debating Early Rome session on “the Republic in Scholarship”. Looking forward to particapte with a paper on “The Roman Republic in German Scholarhip: Man and Machine”. Panelist include Tim Cornell and Dan-el Padilla Peralta. Thanks to Marian Helm for putting this together!
May 31, 2022: Professor Torsten Mattern (Trier University) will present on: Asklepios in Arkadia. New Observations on the Sanctuary in Pheneos
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
Workshop in Scotland
May 27 to 28, 2022: International gathering in St Andrews on “The Environments of Mediterranean City-States: Experience and Resilience”. Looking forward to participating with a paper on “Aesop’s logoi: environmental settings, ecocritical approaches”.
Watch workshop presentations on Youtube here.
International Symposium
May 18 to 19, 2022: Happy to host, along with Jordan Christopher, the international symposium “Postcolonial Perspectives on Global Antiquities” with participants from North America, Oceania, East Asia - and scenic Westphalia.
The event includes a public keynote in the Studiobühne at 5:00 pm on the first day, featuring Armin Selbitschka from the LMU Munich: “Postcolonialism is Precolonialism: The Checkered Past of the Silk Road Community Turfan”
Click on the program poster to the right for more!
PhD Defense
May 18, 2022: Jordan Christopher successfully defended his PhD Dissertation “Periphery Triumphant. The Rise of the Ancient Empires of Macedon and Qin”. Congratulations, Dr. Jordan Christopher, and very many thanks to co-supervisors Armin Selbitschka (Munich) and Griet Vankeerberghen (McGill Montreal)!
Decolonizing Classics
May 17, 2022: “Noch einmal zu Decolonizing Classics,” Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung “Geschichtskulturelle Transformation” an der WWU Münster (18:00 s.t. in F2). All welcome!
Munich History Lecture
May 9, 2022: Happy and honored to deliver the Munich History Lecture on “Kadmos und die Macht der Ruinen”. The event will also serve as inaugural lecture of the annual John Buckler Memorial Lecture Series at Munich University.
April 26, 2022: Professor Sarah Murray (University of Toronto) will present on: “The Delightfullest Harbour in All Nature.” New Results from Archaeological Survey in Porto Rafti (Attica)
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
Field Research Greece
April 15 to 21, 2022: Five days of compact site research in Boiotia, with visits to Onchestos, Haliartos, Tilphossa, Alalkomenai, Koroneia, Thebes and the Kabirion, Plataia, and the Asopos Valley. This has been the missing piece in the puzzle of my Kopais Corridor article that will be published in Klio 104/2023.
Conference at CHS
April 7 to 9, 2022: International conference at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC: “The Battle of Plataia 2.5K: Questions, Contexts, Echoes”. Looking forward to returning to the Center, if only virtually. Here is the conference website and program. My own intervention is on “Thebes, Boiotia, and the Battle of Plataia. Views from the Kadmeia”.
Thanks to Natasha Bershadsky and everyone at CHS, this has been awesome!
Watch video of presentation on Youtube here.
Guest Lecture in CH
March 29, 2022: Guest Lecture in the Department of Ancient History at the University of Basel: “Making Landscapes, Building Communities. A Journey along the Kopais Corridor in Boiotia”.
Same But Different Conference
March 8 to 11, 2022: The international conference Same, But Different. Monarchical Representation in the Hellenistic World between Assimilation and Differentiation is on at the Stadthotel Münster.
EMCC Dialogues
March 1, 2022: Università Roma Tre hosts a round table event on “Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State”. The session is part of the new EMCC Dialogues Series and features several colleagues from the EMCC program as well as Corinne Bonnet from Toulouse.
Thank you so much to everyone participating on site and online, and special thanks to Roberta Fabiani and the EMCC!
Hermes Anniversary Issue
February 22, 2022: The first issue of Hermes volume 150 has been released - what a terrific anniversary! Click here to read what the editors have to say about this, and here for the celebratory website. Happy reading!
New Publication
February 11, 2022: “Republican Elites: Patricians, Nobiles, Senators and Equestrians.” In Valentina and Jonathan Prag (eds.), A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic. Malden, Mass: 347-361.
New Podcast
February 10, 2022: Podcast (in German), talk with a group of students from the Gymnasium Martinum (Emsdetten) who produced a lovely history piece on Athenian democracy.
February 1, 2022: Professor Dimitri Nakassis (University of Colorado) will present on “From the Plain to the Mountain. Insights into the Western Argolid from Archaeological Survey”
18:00 s.t. ZOOM. Please subscribe to our epichoric mailing list to receive zoom access codes.
EMCC Annual Lecture
January 13, 2022: Professor Selene Psoma (Athens) delivers the second Annual EMCC Lecture (19:00, ZOOM) on the topic “The Megarian Decree: a casus belli”